Recycled Resource Materials


Recycled Resource Materials

As the eco-friendly solar power generation market continues to expand, disposal of expired solar power modules is emerging as an important environmental task.
Most general recycling processes cause environmental pollution or the purity and quality of the recovered materials are low, making it difficult to value them highly.

General waste module recycling method

  • Thermal method

    Excessive energy consumption, need for air pollution prevention facilities

  • Chemical method

    Generates a large amount of process wastewater, low separation rate (requires back-end process)

  • Physical method

    Low separation rate, low quality of recovered material

However, in order to solve these environmental problems, Won Kwang S&T recycles EOL PV modules through eco-friendly and innovative ‘Partially heated physical method’ to produce high-purity and high-quality materials and opens the way to new value creation.

Through this, Won Kwang S&T is leading a sustainable future by producing high-value recycled resource materials such as aluminum,
low-iron tempered glass, silicon metal powder, and copper alloy.

Won Kwang S&T (Partially heated physical method)


Low-cost process, high separation rate,
high-quality material recovery

Highly Economical

Room temperature recycling process without heat source

Reduction of energy used in recycling process by 234.2MWh

Highly Profitable

high quality Material recovery

Panel-shaped glass can be recovered, maximizing economic benefits

Won Kwang S&T PV Recycling Process

Economically effective material recovery through recycling process

Resource Security

  • CopperCu, Copper
    • Recovery Method
      • Sorting after shred
      • Retrieve high value copper through chemical wet process
    • Feature
      • Categorized as a core mineral
  • SiliconSi
    • Recovery Method
      • Sorting after shred
      • Retrieve silicon
      • Organic matter/ Separate broken glass
    • Feature
      • Categorized as a rare metal
  • AluminumAl
    • Recovery Method
      • Dismantling aluminum frame
      • Sort EOL PV module (By Glass condition)
    • Feature
      • Categorized as a core mineral
  • SilverAg
    • Recovery Method
      • Sorting after crushing
      • High purity Ag recovery through chemical wet process
    • Feature
      • Categorized as a valuable metal (Highliy valuable)

First case in EOL PV module recycling business!
Received recognition as a circular resource for resources produced through recycling

Circulation resource recognition policy

Based on the Framework Act on Resource Circulation, a system that recognizes waste as a circulation resource that is not harmful to the human body or the environment, is economical and commerce, and is not at risk of being neglected, thereby exempting it from regulations under the 'Waste Management Act'

Won Kwang S&T is realizing a circular economy that goes beyond simple recycling and contributing to a sustainable future by developing unique technology and supplying the circular resources to domestic and international markets.