미래폐자원 에너지 솔루션 NO. 1 기업 원광에스앤티입니다.
원광에스앤티는 태양광 발전소의 시공 및 설계, 유지보수, 철거, 리파워링, 태양광 폐모듈의 수집·운반·재활용까지
태양광 관련된 모든 사업에 대한 원스톱 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다.
태양광 산업의 급속한 성장에 따라,
사용 수명이 다한 태양광 패널의 처리 문제는 점점 더 큰 환경적 과제로 부각되고 있습니다.
원광에스앤티는 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해, 혁신적인 '국부가열분리기술'을 통해
태양광 폐모듈에서 고순도·고품위 소재를 회수하여 새로운 가치 창출의 길을 열고 있는데요.
이 기술은 구리합금, 실리콘 메탈 파우더, 알루미늄, 저철분 강화유리 등
다양한 고부가가치 소재를 회수함으로써 환경보호와 경제적 이익을 동시에 실현합니다.
따라서 오늘은 국부가열분리기술로 회수하는,
폐모듈 재활용 소재 생산 및 판매에 대한 내용을 소개해 드리려고 합니다.
원광에스앤티의 태양광 폐모듈 재활용 기술은 전통적인 물리적 파쇄 방식과는 차별화된,
독창적인 '국부가열분리식' 기술을 사용하고 있습니다.
이 기술은 알루미늄 프레임과 정션박스를 제거한 후,
모듈에 부착된 유리를 국부 가열하여 깨끗하게 분리하는 혁신적인 공정입니다.
이후, 유리 분리기 장비를 통해 유리를 먼저 분리한 다음,
회수된 셀 샌드위치를 파쇄하고 선별하여 고순도의 원료를 생산하는 과정을 포함하는데요.
이러한 공정을 통해 구리합금, 저철분 강화유리, 알루미늄, 실리콘 메탈 파우더 등
고부가가치의 소재를 회수하며, 높은 순도의 원료를 생산할 수 있습니다.
특히, 이 방법은 기존에 많이 사용하는 통파쇄 물리적 방식이나 열적, 화학적 방식보다
친환경적이며 비용 효율성이 뛰어나고,
높은 분리율을 자랑하여 고품위 소재의 회수가 가능합니다.
원광에스앤티는 이러한 기술을 통해 저철분 강화유리 및 다양한 고부가가치 소개를
깨끗하게 분리 및 회수함으로써, 새로운 판로를 개척하여 수익성을 극대화하고 있습니다
이 과정은 지속 가능한 자원 관리와 경제적 가치 창출을 동시에 달성하는 모범사례입니다.
일반적으로 폐모듈 재활용 공정으로 생산하는 자원들은,
그 가치를 높게 평가받기 어렵습니다.
특히 통파쇄 물리적 방식의 경우 알루미늄과 정션박스를 제거하고 통째로 파쇄하기 때문에
유리 등 소재의 혼입도가 높아 시장에서 낮은 가격으로 평가되고 있고,
화학적 방식을 사용하면, 환경 오염은 물론이며 재활용 소재의 분리율이 낮아
마찬가지로 순도가 낮아 수익성이 저하됩니다.
하지만 앞서 말씀드린 국부가열분리기술은 폐태양광 모듈을 효율적으로 재활용하여
고순도의 소재를 회수하는 데 있어 독보적인 기술로 인정받고 있습니다.
구리합금은 핵심 광물로써 가공성이 좋고 우수한 전기 전도성과 열 전도성을 가지고 있어
전기 및 전자 제품의 핵심소재로 활용되고 있습니다.
희소 금속에 해당되는 실리콘 메탈 파우더는 알루미늄 합금, 실리콘 코팅제 등의 건축자재,
철강의 합금첨가제로 사용되며 최근 2차 전지 음극제 원료 중 하나인 대체 원료로
연구개발이 진행되고 있으며, 다양한 산업의 재료로 활용됩니다.
또한, 알루미늄은 가벼우면서도 강도가 뛰어납니다.
알루미늄의 경량성은 연료 효율성을 향상시키고, 내구성은 안전을 보장할 수 있어
항공 우주 및 자동차 산업에 필수적인 자원으로써 중대한 요소라고 볼 수 있습니다.
마지막으로 유리의 경우, 대체적으로는 철(Fe) 성분으로 인해 초록색을 띄고 투과율이 낮은 반면,
(주)원광에스앤티가 생산하는 저철분 강화유리의 경우 철분 수치가 낮아
투과성 및 내구성을 모두 갖추어 건축 및 첨단 기술 분야에 활용할 수 있어 높은 가치를 인정받고 있습니다.
원광에스앤티는 이러한 고부가가치 소재의 판로를 개척하여
국내외 시장에 공급함으로써 단순한 자원 회수 이상의 경제적 효과를 창출하며,
지속가능한 발전을 위한 경제 모델을 제시합니다.
이러한 성과는 원광에스앤티의 끊임없는 연구개발과 기술 혁신의 결과인데요.
당사는 앞으로도 환경보호와 경제적 이익을 동시에 실현할 수 있는,
다양한 친환경 기술을 개발하여 지속 가능한 미래를 위한 길을 개척할 것입니다.
원광에스앤티의 국부가열분리기술을 통해 환경보호와 경제성장의 두 마리 토끼를 잡는데 기여할 수 있기를 기대하며,
지속 가능한 에너지 산업의 미래를 향해 함께 나아가길 바랍니다.
당사는 고객사의 편의를 위해 맞춤형 태양광 에너지 솔루션을 제공하는 대한민국 대표기업입니다.
전기공사업등록증, 수집·운반 허가증, 종합 재활용업 허가증 등 필수 자격을 모두 갖추고 있어
태양광 발전소의 시공 및 설계, 유지보수, 철거, 리파워링, 태양광 폐모듈의 수집·운반·재활용까지 전과정 처리가 가능한데요.
이와 관련하여 도움이 필요하신 고객사분들께서는, 하단에 첨부된 링크를 통해 문의해 주시기 바랍니다.
보다 빠른 안내를 통해, 신속한 도움드리도록 하겠습니다.
더 다양한 이야기가 궁금하다면?!
↓원광에스앤티 공식 블로그↓
'Won Kwang S&T Co., Ltd.' (hereinafter referred to as 'Company') values customers' personal information and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection. Through the personal information processing policy, the company informs you of the purpose and method for which the personal information you provide is being used and what measures are being taken to protect personal information. If the company revises its personal information processing policy, it will notify you through website notices (or individual notices).
This policy comes into effect from September 22, 2023.
The company collects the following personal information for consultation, etc.
Online Inquiry
- Collected data : Name, company name, contact info, address, contents, etc.
The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes. Fulfillment of contract for service provision and inquiries/answers related to service provision.
In principle, the company disposes personal information without delay after the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. Disposal procedures and methods are as follows.
Disposal Procedure
The information that a member wishes to enter for membership registration, etc. is proofread in a special DB after the purpose has been confirmed (in the case of paper, separate use is used). Refer to the calendar according to information protection by specifying and other related events (retention and treatment period). Please note that it will be recorded after the expiration date.
Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is retained, unless required by law.
Disposal Method
Personal information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable.
In principle, the company does not provide users' personal information to outside parties. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.
When users consent in advance, in accordance with the provisions of the law, or when there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the procedures and methods set forth in the law for the purpose of investigation.
The company entrusts the service to an external professional company as follows.
Users can view or modify their registered personal information at any time and may also request cancellation of membership.
To view or modify users' personal information, click 'Change Personal Information' (or 'Edit Membership Information', etc.). To cancel membership (withdraw consent), click "Cancel Membership" and go through the identity verification process to directly view and correct information. Alternatively, you can withdraw.
Alternatively, if you contact the personal information manager in writing, by phone or email, we will take action without delay.
If you request correction of an error in personal information, the personal information will not be used or provided until the correction is completed.
Additionally, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, we will notify the third party of the result of the correction without delay so that the correction can be made.
The company processes personal information canceled or deleted at the user's request as specified in the "Retention and Use Period of Personal Information Collected by the Company" and processes it so that it cannot be viewed or used for any other purpose.
For children under the age of 14, the legal representative has the right to view or modify the child's personal information and the right to withdraw consent to collection.
The company operates ‘cookies’ that store and retrieve your information from time to time. A cookie is a very small text file that the server used to run the website sends to your browser and is stored on your computer's hard disk.
The company uses cookies for the following purposes.
Purpose of use of cookies, etc.
Providing target marketing and personalized services by analyzing the access frequency and visit time of members and non-members, identifying user tastes and areas of interest, tracking traces, and determining the degree of participation in various events and number of visits. You have the option to install cookies.
Therefore, by setting options in your web browser, you can allow all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is saved, or refuse to save all cookies.
Settings to refuse cookie
By selecting the options in the web browser you are using, you can refuse cookie, you can allow all cookies, confirm each time you save a cookie, or refuse to save all cookies.
How to set up
Example (for Internet Explorer): Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Personal Information
However, if you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing services
In order to protect customers' personal information and handle complaints related to personal information, the company designates relevant departments and a personal information manager as follows.
If you need to report or consult about other personal information infringements, you can contact the organizations below
We refuse to allow e-mail addresses posted on this website to be collected without permission using e-mail collection programs or other technical devices, and please keep in mind that any violation of this will be subject to criminal punishment under the Information and Communications Network Act.
The purpose of these Terms of Use is to stipulate the conditions and procedures for use and other necessary matters when using the Internet site service provided by Won Kwang S&T Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).
These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”) are between Won Kwang S&T Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its customers (hereinafter referred to as “Members”), including all matters pertaining to the subscription conditions and use of the customer service provided by the Company, and other matters. The purpose is to specify the necessary matters in detail.
(1) These terms and conditions become effective when they are published online on the Won Kwang S&T website, and may be revised if reasonable grounds arise to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations. Revised terms and conditions become effective when announced online, and revisions to important regulations, such as user rights or obligations, are announced in advance.
(2) The company may change these terms and conditions if reasonable grounds arise, and if the terms and conditions are changed, they will be announced in advance without delay.
(3) Agreeing to these Terms and Conditions means that you agree to regularly visit the web to check for changes in the Terms and Conditions. The company is not responsible for any damage incurred by users due to lack of information about changed terms and conditions.
(4) If a member does not agree to the changed terms and conditions, he/she may request withdrawal (cancellation) of membership. If he/she continues to use the service without expressing his/her intention to refuse even after 7 days from the effective date of the changed terms and conditions, he/she agrees to the changes in the terms and conditions. It is considered to be.
① These terms and conditions apply together with the usage guide for individual services provided by the company (hereinafter referred to as service-specific guide).
② Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions may be applied in accordance with relevant laws and the purpose of service-specific guidance.
① The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.
② The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions, except those set forth in Paragraph 1, shall be governed by relevant laws and service-specific guidance.
(1) The service agreement is established upon the customer's consent to the terms of use and the company's approval of the application for use.
(2) Agree to these Terms of Use by clicking the ‘Agree’ button on the website of Wonkwang S&T Co., Ltd. at the time of application for use.
(1) Customers who wish to sign up as members and use this service must provide all information (name, contact information, etc.) requested by the company.
(2) All members must provide their name and contact information to use the service, and users who do not register with their real name cannot claim any rights.
(3) You must sign up with your real name only, and the company may take measures to verify your real name.
(4) All IDs of members who apply for use by stealing someone else's name (name, contact information, etc.) will be deleted and may be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
(5) The company may differentiate members who use this service by classifying them in terms of usage time, number of uses, service menu, etc.
The company strives to protect users' personal information, including user registration information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Related laws and the company's personal information protection policy apply to the protection and use of user personal information. However, the company's privacy policy does not apply to web-linked sites other than the company's official site. Additionally, the company is not responsible for any information exposed due to reasons attributable to the user.
(1) In principle, the company approves the use of the service in the order of application for customers who apply for use pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 if there is no problem in business performance or technology.
(2) The company does not accept any of the following cases.
(3) If an application for service use falls under any of the following items, the company may withhold approval of the application until the reasons for restricting approval are resolved.
(4) If the customer applying for use is a minor as defined by relevant laws, the company may withhold approval in accordance with the instructions for each service.
(1) The company grants user IDs to customers in accordance with the terms and conditions.
(2) In principle, user ID cannot be changed, and if you wish to change it due to unavoidable reasons, you must cancel the ID and re-register.
(3) Naver's user ID may be linked to the member ID of Wonkwang S&T's website operated by Wonkwang S&T Co., Ltd. with the user's consent.
(4) User ID can be changed at the request of the customer or company in any of the following cases.
(5) Users are responsible for managing their service user ID and password. The user is responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the service or illegal use by a third party that arises from negligent management, and the company does not take any responsibility for the same.
(6) Other matters related to user personal information management and changes are governed by the guidance for each service.
(1) The company must ensure that customers can use the service on the desired service start date unless there are special circumstances.
(2) In order to provide continuous and stable service, the company will repair or restore equipment without delay when there is a problem or loss of equipment, unless there are unavoidable reasons.
(3) The company establishes a security system to protect personal information and announces and complies with its personal information protection policy.
(4) If the company objectively recognizes that an opinion or complaint raised by a customer is justified, it must immediately process it through appropriate procedures. However, if immediate processing is difficult, the user must be notified of the reason and processing schedule.
(1) When applying for membership or changing member information, users must fill out all information in their real name and based on facts. If they register false or someone else's information, they cannot claim any rights.
(2) Members must comply with matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and other regulations and notices announced by the Company, as well as relevant laws and regulations, and shall not engage in any other acts that interfere with the Company's business or damage the Company's reputation. You shouldn't.
(3) If there is a change in the terms of the service agreement, such as address, contact information, or e-mail address, the member must immediately notify the company of this through the relevant procedures.
(4) Except in cases where the company takes responsibility in accordance with the relevant laws and the ‘Personal Information Protection Policy’, the member is responsible for all consequences resulting from negligence or misuse of the password of the ID assigned to the member.
(5) Members cannot engage in business activities using the service without prior approval from the Company, and the Company is not responsible for the results of such business activities. In addition, if the company incurs damage due to such business activities, the member is obligated to compensate the company for damages, and the company may restrict the use of the service and claim compensation for damages through legal procedures against the member.
(6) Members cannot transfer or gift the right to use the service or other status under the service agreement to another person without the company's explicit consent, and cannot provide them as collateral.
(7) Members must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Company and third parties.
(8) Members must not engage in any of the following acts, and if they do so, the company may impose sanctions, including restrictions on the member's use of the service and legal action.
(1) Service use is operated 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there is a special problem with the company's business or technology.
(2) The Company may temporarily suspend services without notice due to unavoidable reasons such as urgent system inspection, expansion and replacement, and may completely discontinue the currently provided services for reasons deemed appropriate by the Company, such as replacement with new services.
(3) If normal service provision is impossible due to a national emergency, power outage, service facility failure, or excessive service use, the company may restrict or suspend all or part of the service. However, in this case, the reason and period will be notified to the member in advance or after the fact.
(4) In the case of service interruption due to reasons beyond the company's control (disk failure without intention or negligence of the system administrator, system down, etc.), advance notice is not possible and the company cannot provide prior notice and is unable to notify others (PC communication companies, common communication service providers, etc.). We will not notify you in case of system interruption due to negligence.
(5) The company may divide the service into specific ranges and separately designate available times for each range. However, in this case, the details will be notified.
(1) All responsibility for managing user ID and password lies with the member.
(2) The company performs various user management tasks based on the user ID, so if a member wishes to change the user ID, the company may restrict the change of the user ID unless there is a reason acceptable to the company.
(3) All responsibility for any negligence in use or misuse by a third party arising from the user ID and password registered by the customer lies with the customer.
• The company may delete, move, or refuse registration of posts or materials that fall under any of the following items without prior notice.
(1) The copyright of posts posted by members within the service screen belongs to the member who posted them. Additionally, the company cannot use posts commercially without the publisher's consent. However, this does not apply in the case of non-profit purposes, and the right to publish within the service is reserved.
(2) Members may not use materials posted on the service commercially, including arbitrarily processing or selling information acquired using the service.
(3) The company may delete, move or refuse registration without prior notice if it determines that the content or posted content within the service posted or registered by a member falls under any subparagraph of Article 14.
(1) The company may provide members with various information deemed necessary for using the service through e-mail or postal mail.
(2) The company may request additional personal information with member consent for purposes such as service improvement and service introduction to members.
(1) Part of the service investment base that allows the company to provide services to its members comes from revenue through advertising. Members agree to display advertisements when using the service.
(2) The Company is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from members' participation in, communication or transactions with advertisers' promotional activities posted on the Service or through this Service.
Users may request the Company to cancel their membership registration (cancellation of membership) at any time, and the Company will immediately take steps to cancel the user's membership registration upon receipt of the above request.
(1) The company may restrict the use of the service if the member violates Article 11 of these Terms and Conditions in the use of the service, or if any of the following applies.
(2) In accordance with the above usage restrictions, members who use the service may be temporarily suspended, initialized, or terminated from using the service without separate notice regarding the use of the service, in accordance with the bad user handling regulations.
The Company is not liable for any damages for matters that do not fall under the provisions of the Privacy Policy in relation to the use of services provided free of charge.
(1) If the company is unable to provide services due to natural disasters, war, or other force majeure, the company is exempt from liability for providing services.
(2) The company is exempt from liability if damage occurs due to the telecommunication service provider suspending or not providing telecommunication services properly.
(3) The company is exempt from liability for damage caused by unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, or construction of service equipment.
(4) The company is not responsible for any disruption or damage to the use of the service due to the member's fault.
(5) The company is not liable if damage occurs due to a user's computer error, or if damage occurs because a member incorrectly entered personal information and e-mail address.
(6) The company is not responsible for members failing to obtain or losing expected profits by using the service.
(7) The company is not responsible for any damage caused by data obtained by members while using the service. Additionally, the company is not responsible for compensating members for any psychological damage suffered by other members while using the service.
(8) The company is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, etc. of various information, data, and facts posted by members on the service.
(9) The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes that arise between users or between users and third parties through the service, and is not responsible for compensating for any resulting damages.
(10) The Company is not responsible for any damages related to the use of services provided free of charge to members.
(1) Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions are subject to relevant laws and commercial practices, including the Telecommunications Business Act.
(2) Members who use the company’s flat-rate service and other paid services are subject to the terms and policies separately set by the company.
(3) If a lawsuit is filed regarding a dispute arising from the use of the service, the court having jurisdiction over the location of the company's headquarters shall be the competent court.
(Enforcement date) These terms and conditions will apply from September 22, 2023.